Many companies across the United States outsource their security needs to different companies in each
satellite office across the region. Although, in most cases it is good to have redundancy between your fire system, alarm system and video security, you may want to consider one company and one software platform with your video security.Often companies are on several platforms creating confusion and frustration when regional managers step into the security or IT room. Having one company and software format in Florida another in New York etc.... Managers and staff come and go passwords get lost and years later the solution is just to replace the previous system and the process starts all over again. A better solution to that would be to have one company provide services regionally or nationwide depending on your companies needs. With the video security technology that is out today you can tap into up to 64 locations from one software platform all from your PC or Iphone. Your integrator should also be able to service and change settings at each of these locations from offsite saving thousands of dollars in service calls yearly. This will also enable regional management to have "eyes on" and access to footage retrieval anytime they desire without have to have multiple pieces of software and passwords for each location. At DNA Video Security we can streamline this process and provide turnkey installations and a single security platform and protocols nationwide. For more information on streamlining your video security platforms please email or call us at: